
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Snowflakes and Weather

We have been working very hard this month. There is just so much to do during the winter time. My little k kids seem to be even more eager to learn. We have been learning about snowflakes, weather, and just all things winter. I will comment above the pics so you will know what's going on...

This is a pic of us working with a partner to figure out math problems. I am really trying to focus on multiple intelligences and learning styles this year. My goal is to try and meet each intelligence during math time. I am usually a person that jumps right in and changes everything at once but I decided to start small. We incorporate more music, independent and partner work. I am really trying to encourage them to think. This time is spent on how they came up with the answer, not if the answer is correct. They realize pretty quickly where they went wrong if the answer is incorrect. I am really seeing a lot of improvements and my quiet kids are feeling more comfortable talking since we review the fact that we are not looking for the right answer just the way we are thinking through the problems.

The pic above and the rest of the pics below are of us in the rain. It has rained NONSTOP!!!!!!! We went outside and made pics showing how we felt about the rain. We smiled if we like the rain and frowned (ok, attempted to frown) if we do not like the rain. Most of the kiddos said they like the rain.

We learned all about polar bears. Did you know that a male polar bear can be 10 feet tall? A female is around 7 feet tall. We measured each amount and decided to see how many kids it would take to be the same height as a polar bear. 2 kids would equal a female and 3 kids would be a male. We also decided that we would NOT want to run into a polar bear!!!

Melting ice during math stations...

We found the different pattern blocks inside of the snowflake. Thank you Suzan Estes for this idea!!!!

We made our own snowflake using pattern blocks.

We recorded our snowflakes with paper pattern blocks. Here are our finished products!